It’s a new year and it’s time to work on a healthier you. Many people make resolutions to be healthier and focus on exercising and losing weight, but there are lots of other ways to be healthy too. People often start letting go of their resolutions after a month or...
What does the term “healthy” mean to you? For some it means cutting out foods like meat or dairy. For others it means adding more vegetables to their diet. Healthy is a subjective word; it’s hard to define. Many people have trouble figuring out exactly what they...
There are many misconceptions when it comes to nutrition because there are many articles out there that are lacking facts. Oftentimes these misconceptions about nutrition are spread around to the population and regarded as fact. Eating Late at Night Will Make You Gain...
According to a recent poll taken January 2015, our younger generations are more likely to choose healthy foods. The survey was given to over 30,000 people across 60 countries and the results showed that people in the younger generation, Generation Z, were more likely...