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It’s a new year and it’s time to work on a healthier you. Many people make resolutions to be healthier and focus on exercising and losing weight, but there are lots of other ways to be healthy too. People often start letting go of their resolutions after a month or so, which means it’s the perfect time to recommit to yours or even just start working on having a healthier (and happier!) life. No matter where you are in your life, there are definitely ways you can improve and feel physically and emotionally healthier.



Exercising is incredibly important and will do wonders for your physical and mental well-being. Even walking 30 minutes a day will make you feel better. It’s great to spend time outside in the fresh air, while also doing some light physical activity. If you feel more motivated, go ahead and work out harder for longer periods of time, or even find an exercise class you enjoy!


Eat better

Most people can improve their nutrition in some way, whether it’s cutting back on sugar, processed foods, or caffeine. There are lots of foods that are bad for our health and make us feel sluggish. By eating less of these foods, especially sugar, you’ll have more energy and feel better all around.


Cut out bad habits

Maybe you have a bad habit of smoking or drinking a bit too much on the weekends. Work on ending these habits that are incredibly detrimental to your health. Even if you can’t stop all at once, any improvement will benefit you! If there’s some other negative habit you indulge in, work on ending it.


Cultivate healthy relationships

If you have a toxic relationship with a friend or significant other, it’s time to let that go. If you surround yourself with negative people, it makes you feel negative and more likely to put yourself down in your own mind. Surround yourself with those who uplift you and you’ll feel happier and have a better outlook on life.


Find a passion

It’s never too late to begin a new hobby, so take on the challenge of cultivating a skill you’ve always wanted to master. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or volunteering with an important cause, find something you’re passionate about and pursue it.


Evaluate your finances

If you aren’t sure where you stand financially, take time to evaluate your financial situation. There are likely areas where you can cut back with spending. If you don’t already have a budget, create one. Make sure you have a savings account, a plan for retirement, and maybe even investments. You could even schedule a meeting with a financial advisor.


Drink more water

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, because when you’re properly hydrated you feel more alert and healthier. Your skin stays clearer and smoother and your entire health benefits from a decent amount of H2O. Keep a water bottle with you, so you stay hydrated and avoid drinking sugary sodas.